Professor Wang Shuhuai
Phone: 027-87543239
Academic Areas: Translation teaching; translation criticism
Dr. Wang Shu-huai is a professor of Translation Studies with Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. He has been teaching there since 1995. He earned his Master degree of education in 1995 from Southwest Normal University, and Ph.D of Translation Studies in 2007 from Nankai University. His chief research interests are translation teaching and translation criticism. He has published more than 40 academic papers, completed one research project of China National Fund for Social Sciences, and authors the bookOn Translation Teaching(Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2013)
Academic Degrees
1992, Sep.-1995,Jun. Southwest Normal University MA of Education
2003,Sep. -2007,Jun. Naikai University PhD
Professional Experience
1995.Jul.-present Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1986.Jul. -1992.Oct. Bishi Middle School, Ezhou City
Selected Publications
1. Teaching Cultural Strategies for Undergraduate Chinese-English Translation in Chinese ContextSociology Study2005, Vol. 5(1).(corresponding author)
2. Investigation of Native English Speakers’Language Preference and Revelations:Foreign Language Research2014(4)
3. TRANSLATION TEACHING RESEARCH IN CHINA: FEATURES, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTSCurrent Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning2014, Vol.(1)
4. A Research of“English Verb+ing into Adjective”Foreign Language Teaching2014(1)
5. An Analysis of International Sign MistranslationShanghai Translator’s Journal2014(1)
6. Translator Intervention, Translator Modulation and Translator RestraintForeign Language Research2013(1)
7. English Text in Supermarket Promotion: Textual Functions and FeaturesChinese Translator’s Journal of Science and Technology2013(4)
8. Metro Sign Translation: Problems and PrinciplesShanghai Translator’s Journal2012(3)
9. An Empirical Reasearch of Translation Strategies in the Translation ProcessForeign Languages and Their Teaching2012(3)
10. Book Review : Exploring Translation TheoriesForeign Languages2011(2)
11. On the Principles of Compiling Chinese-English Translation CoursebooksForeign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice2011(2)
12.“Confusion—Illumination—Production”Translation Teaching: the Experiment ReportForeign Language Research2010(6)
13. Translation Teaching Assessment: A Developmental ModelJournal of PLA International Studies University2010(3)
14. Translation Teaching Assessment: A Developmental ModelJournal of Tianjin International Studies2010(4)
15. Introduction: Translation Teaching: From Research to the Classroom: A Handbook for TeachersShanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2010.
16. Translation Teaching: An Information Processing PerspectiveJournal of Huanggang Normal College2010(1)
17. Translation Teaching: An Assimilative Model.Journal of Tonghua Normal College2010(5)
18. The Three Levels in Aesthetics-oriented TranslationForeign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice2009(2)
19. Translation Teaching: A Psycholinguistic PerspectiveEnglish Research2009(2)
20. Translation Teaching Research in Western Countries: Characteristics,
Paradigms and RevelationsShanghai Translator’s Journal2009(3)
21. Book Review:Translation Studies’ Discipline construction and Cultural Turn Foreign Language and Translation2009(2)
22. On the Structuralist Translation TeachingTranslation Quarterly2008(4)
23. On the Components and Developments of Translation CompetenceForeign Language Research2008(5)
24. Translation Teaching of English Majors: Investigation and ReflectionsShangdong Foreign Language Teaching2008(5)
25. Translation Teaching Research in China: Developments, Problems and SolutionsForeign Language World2008(2)
26. TAPs Research in Translation Studies: Achievements, Limitations and ProspectsForeign Languages and Translation2008(1)
27. A Review of Translation Teaching: From Research to the Classroom: A Handbook for Teachers Foreign Languages 2006(1)
28. Hatim’s Intertextuality-Based Translation Theory: A ReviewJournal of PLA International Studies University2006(1)
29. Features of English Advertisement Texts and Their Chinese Translation.Shangdong Foreign Language Teaching2006(1)
30. Book Review: Teaching and Researching TranslationModern Foreign Languages2005(1)
31. The Interpretation of Chen Xi-ying’s“Three Similarities”From a Semiotic PerspectiveJournal of Xi’an International Studies University2005(1)
32 Literary Translation Criticism: A Quantitative Double-Layer Assessment ModelForeign Languages and Translation2005(1)
33. The Concretization of Indeterminacies in Literary Translation: Tension and ConstraintsJournal of Sichuan International Studies University2005(4)
34.Features of English Financial Words and Their TranslationChinese Translator’s Journal of Science and Technology2004(2)
35. Features of English Accounting Affairs and Their TranslationChinese Translator’s Journal of Science and Technology2002(3)
36. On Translation Teaching for UndergraduatesChinese Translator’s Journal2001(5)
37. Information Transmission and Text TranslationShanghai Journal of Science and Technology Translation2000(2)
38. Optimalization of Information Transmission in Translation System. Journal ofHuazhong University of Science and Technology. 1999(1)
On Translation TeachingShanghai Foreign Language Teaching Press, 2013
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Course:
English-Chinese Translation
Chinese-English Translation
Non-literary Translation
English Listening
Comprehensive English
Graduate Course:
Translation Criticism and Appreciation
Literary Translation
Translation Research
Research Grants:
1.National funds for social and the humanitis
Research on Undergraduate English Majors’ Translation Teaching (Grant number 08CYY006) Project Leader;
2. Research Project from the Education Department of Hubei Province(Grant number 2003D036)Project Leader;
Intertextuality and Translation
3.Teaching research program of Hubei Province and Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyThe design and experiment of a spiral Chinese-English translation teaching curriculum (Grant number14039)Project Leader;