Associate Professor
Phone: (+86) 27-87556174-8705
Academic Areas: Named Entity Recognition; Semantic Change Computation; Construction Clustering; Metaphor Recognition and Interpretation; Computer-Aided Translation; Computer-Aided Tutoring System;
Dr. Xur Tang is an associate professor at the Shool of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His research is mainly focused in the field of Computational Lexical Semantics and has published papers in the fields of named entity recognition, metaphor recognition and interpretation, and semantic change computation etc. His current research is directed to corpus-based knowledge acquisition and metaphor-based lexical sense acquisition. The research in corpus-based knowledge acquisition serves the purpose of constructing large-scale knowledge data-base using machine-learning techniques and novel lexical sense acquisition. The research in metaphor-based lexical sense acquisition is to acquire lexical senses in novel metaphors that are unspecified in dictionaries using both analogy-based reasoning and probabilistic cognitive models.
Academic Degrees
2007.9-2010.12 Nanjing Normal University PhD
1996.9-1999.6 Central South University MA
Professional Experience
2014.11 – 2015.11, the University of Edinburgh– Academic Visitor
2011.12 – present, Huazhong University of Science and Technology – Associate Professor
1999.7 – 2011.12, Wuhan Textile University – Associate Professor
Selected Publications
· Refereed Journal Papers
Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. Semantic Change Computation: A Successive Approach. World Wide Web Journal, In Press
Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Bin Li. To Acquire Conceptual Metaphors from Experience, ICIC Express Letters, 7(6), 2013
Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Shiwen Yu. Beyond Selectional Preference: Metaphor Recognition Based on Semantic Relation Patterns. International Journal on Asian Language Processing 20 (4):141-156, 2010
Xuri Tang, Xiaohe Chen, Xueyin Zhang. Toponym Analysis in Chinese Discourse. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 35(8), 2010.
Xuri Tang, Xiaohe Chen, Bin Li, and Chao Xu. Toponymy Recognition in Discourse. journal of chinese information processing. 2010(2), 2010.
Refereed International Conference Papers
Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Shiwen Yu. Automatic Metaphor Recognition Based on Semantic Relation Patterns,Accepted by International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 2010.
Xuri Tang, Xiaohe Chen, Weiguang Qu, and Shiwen Yu,Semi-Supervised WSD in Selectional Preferences with Semantic Redundancy,The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics(Posters):1238-1246,2010
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Course:
1. Intensive Reading
2. Computer-Aided Translation
3. General Linguistics
Graduate Course:
1. Computer-Aided Translation
Research Grants:
Chinese National Fund for Social Science,Chinese Word Sense Specification based on Computational Metaphor Understanding,Project Leader;
Chinese National Fund for Social Science, Construction of Knowledge Database of Cognitive Features in Chinese, parcicipating member;
Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, Key Technologies in Metaphor Understanding in Chinese, Parcicipating member
Chinese National Fund for Social Science, Interaction between Collocation and Semantic Feature Analysis in Chinese, participating member;
National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program),Spatial Relation Analysis in Text for GIS, participating member.