Zhang Jianwei
Associate Professor
Research Fields: German Literature and Education
E-mail Address: schatten@hust.edu.cn
Zhang Jianwei, born in January, 1962, Master, Master supervisor, director of Research Center of German Culture of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Education Background:
1885.7 German Department, Sichuan International Studies University BA
2014.6 School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology MA
1992-1993 Advanced studies in German Department of University of Essen in
2000 Exchange teacher in the University of Ulm in
2010 Research and study in the University of Heidelberg in
sponsored by CSC.
Work Experience:
1985.8-now German Department, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Lecturer
1. 国外外语教育研究[M],王克非等著,(参与撰写),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2012
4. 德国汉堡医师继续教育条例[M],译著,卫生部,2003年
5. 什么是什么(德国青少年百科全书系列丛书)[M],译著审校,武汉,湖北教育出版社,2008,出版发行35卷,共计105万字。
6. 健体益智亲子游戏[M],译著,上海:上海科学技术出版社,2003
1. 德国外语教育政策研析[J],外语教学与研究, 2009 (6)
2. 零距离的困惑:人心相距多远[J],名作欣赏, 2004 (4)
3. 浓郁的爱恋 温婉的思情[J],长江文艺, 2003(5)
4. 希特勒“更大的生存空间”[J],名作欣赏, 1998(5)
5. 试比较海涅和冰心抒情诗(上、下)[J],名作欣赏, 1998( 1、2)
6. 有爱就有诗:听海涅爱的表白[J],良友, 1997(12)
7. 走近卡夫卡[J], 楚文学, 1997(1)
8. 德国外语教育的现状、对策及其与社会经济发展的关系研究[J],湖北省社科基金成果摘编2009,武汉:湖北人民出版社,2010年
9. 信息科学在德国的研究现状及其历史[J],社会信息科学研究通讯,2008(1)
10. 中国和德国启蒙教育之差异[J], 湖北社会科学,1997(7)
11. 德语口头表达形式及其文化特征[J],华中师范大学学报,1997(12)
12. 德国大学教育[J],良友,1998(5)
13. 德国中学教育[J],良友,1998(3)
14. 德国小学教育[J],良友,1998(2)
15. 中德幼儿教育的差异[J],良友,1998(1)
16. 大学专业外语课堂教学模式探讨[J],高等医学教育研究,1997(2)
17. 试析同济医科大学德语四级教学[J],西北医学教育,1997(4)
18. 彼得•纽马克的交际翻译和语义翻译述析[J],湖北工业大学学报,2013(2),第二作者(除18为第二作者外,其它均为第一作者)
Scientific Research Projects (Host):
1.2010-2015 “A Comparative Study of Foreign Language Education in Chinese and German-speaking Countries” sponsored by Humanities and Social Science of Ministry of Education(10YJAZH119)
2.2010-2012 “The Current Situation of Foreign Language Education in Germany and related countermeasures and its relationship with social and economic development” funded by Social Science Fund of Hubei Province(2010139)
3. 2008-2009 “The Current Situation of Foreign Language Education in
and Related Countermeasures and Its Relationship with Social and Economic Development” won the honor of excellent project sponsored by China Foreign Language Education Research Center
4. 2007-2008 “A Study of the Formulation and Implementation of New Rules of Orthography of German of Germany,
” sponsored by China Foreign Language Education Research Center
5. 2013-2015 Selected Readings of German Literature sponsored by Teaching Material Editing Funds of Huahzong University of Science and Technology
6. 1999-2002 “A Probe into Teaching Model of Foreign Language”, Teaching Project of Department of Education of Hubei Province
7. 2004-2006 “A Comparison of Language Features of German and English”, Humanity Project of Department of Education of Hubei Province
8. 2006-2008 “A Study of the History and Current Situation of Informatics of German”, Project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
9. 2002-2004 “A Comparative Study of Sentence Pattern Characteristics Between German and English”, Project of Tongji Medical University
Scientific Research Projects (Participant):
1. 2014-2017 “Phylogeny of German Novel”, the key project of National Social Science Funds (14AWW002). Zhang Jianwei is the director of sub-topic research with Professor Li Changke of Peking University as the project director
2.2014-2019 Collected Works of Goethe, the key project of National Social Science Funds (14ZDB090). The project director is Professor Wei Maoping of Shanghai International Studies University and Zhang Jianwei is in charge of the translation of the 26th volume of this book.
2006 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2005 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2003 The Second Prize of Young Teacher Teaching Contest of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2003 Excellent Teaching Award for Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
2002 The Second Prize of Foreign Language Teaching Contest of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
“German Pragmatics”, “German Reading”, “German Grammar ”