Telephone: 027-87544381
E-mail Address: xinliwuhan@hust.edu.cn
Research Fields: French Culture and French Diplomacy
Chen Xinli, female, born in September, 1979, Doctor of Laws. She is vice head of French Department of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and associate researcher of French National Research Base of Wuhan University.
Education Background:
1999.9--- 2003.6 French Language and Literature, Wuhan University Bachelor
2002.2--- 2003.6 Law Department, WTO studies school, Wuhan University Bachelor
2003.9--- 2006.6 French Language and Literature, Wuhan University Master
2004.9--- 2005.7 Cross-culture Study, the third University of Lyon Master
2008.9--- 2011.6 International Law, Institute for International Studies, Wuhan University Ph.D.
Work Experience:
2006.7---2008.7 French Department, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University Lecturer
1. 奥朗德的困境--试析当前的法国政治生活,《法国研究》,第一作者,2013年第4期;
2. 法国政治认同研究,《法国研究》,第一作者,2012年第4期;
3. 从“边缘文学”走向“世界中心文学”的路径研究,《翻译与文化研究》,第一作者,2013年3月第6辑;
4. http://f.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/download/Periodical_fgyj201101011.aspx萨科齐主义"(Sarkozysme)评述,《法国研究》,第一作者,2011年第1期;
5. 小议法国大选选民,《当前国际形势与中法关系》研讨会论文集,第一作者,第1辑;
6. 新时期中法关系前景探究,《法国研究》,第一作者,2009年第3期;
7. 魁北克双语政策浅析,《法国研究》,第一作者,2007年第3期;
8. 明星制度探讨——1950后的明星化现象研究,《法国研究》第一作者,2006年第1期。
Academic Works :
1. 留学法国TCF考试系列教程语法结构分册,武汉大学出版社,2012年3月;
2. 留学法国TCF考试系列教程阅读理解分册,武汉大学出版社,2012年3月;
3. 留学法国TCF考试系列教程听力理解分册,武汉大学出版社,2012年3月;
4. 浪漫之国——法国,武汉大学出版社,2006年10月。
1. 2014—2017 “A Study on the Medium Role of Teachers in Spoken Teaching of Minority Language” , Teaching Reform Project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Host
2. 2002-2015 “A Study on French Social and Political Ecology from the Perspective of Party Competition and National Political Identity”, Independent Innovation Project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Host
3. 2013-2014 The horizontal project of “China-Europe Forum”
4. 2014-2015 The subproject of “French Sea Power Research” sponsored by French National Research Base of Wuhan University
1. 2007 Outstanding Head Teacher of Zhejiang University
2. 2012 The First Prize of Young Teacher Teaching Contest of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
3. 2014 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
“French Intensive Reading” “French Audio-visual Course” ”French-Chinese Translation Theory and Practice” “French Interpretation” “French Reading” “French Pronunciation” “French Grammar”