(Correspondent Liu Jingyi)
On June 3rd, Professor Peter I. De Costa from Michigan State University visited our school for an academic exchange. He delivered two academic lectures, hosted by Professor Xu Jinfen and Professor Li Chengchen respectively, attracting nearly 60 faculty and students from within and outside the school.

The first lecture was titled "Classroom-based Qualitative Research (CBQR): Methodological Prospects and Possibilities". In the lecture, Professor De Costa first unveiled the background of qualitative research in second language classrooms. He then elaborated on the main features of CBQR and shared the reasons for the growing popularity of qualitative research. He also introduced the application of various qualitative methodologies such as case study, conversation analysis, narrative research, ethnographic research, action research, and others. Following this, Professor De Costa answered questions from faculty and students about CBQR.

The second lecture was titled "Researching Teaching Emotions in Language Education: An Action Research Perspective". In the first part of the lecture, Professor De Costa introduced the background of teacher emotion research and provided an overview of the language teacher emotion landscape in second language acquisition. On this basis, he introduced the main theories of teacher emotion research. In the second part of the lecture, Professor De Costa detailed the knowledge related to action research, including its definition and four stages (planning, action, observation, and reflection), and explained through examples how to investigate language teacher emotions with the method of action research.
Professor De Costa's in-depth and easy-to-understand explanations further deepened our faculty and students' understanding of qualitative research and teacher emotions, and offered new research perspectives and methods.