Academic Areas:English Lexicology; English Rhetoric
Zhang Jinquanisa professorofSchoolof Foreign Languagesat Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He has been teaching English for more than 30 years. Hispresentresearchfocuses on students’ English Vocabulary learning and acquisition, English Rhetoric and course design. He has published nearly 20 academic papers, 2 monographs and 2 course books.
Academic Degrees
1998.5-1999.5 a visiting scholar at Swansea University
1978.9-1982.7 HuazhongNormalUniversityBA
Professional Experience
1992-Present Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1986-1992 Hubei Police School
1982-1986 Middle School Affiliated to Puqi General Textile Mill
Selected Publications
· Refereed International Journal Paper
Khalid Wahaab Jabber & Zhang Jinquan. The Modal Verbs: A Speech Act of Request in the Speech of the President of the United StatesBarak Obama. The Criterion, 2013, No.12,1-13.
Refereed Chinese Journal Papers
Zhang Jinquan. On Semantic Transfer of Noun-Adjective Conversion. Foreign Language Education, 2015, No.3, 27-31;
Zhang Jinquan. Variation of Lexical Collocation from the Perspective of Memetics. Journal of Hubei University of Education, 2014, No.5, 113-116;
Zahng Jinquan & Li Ailing. The singing Grass—Analysis of The Grass is Singing from the Perspective of Female Literature. Journal of Zhengzhou University, 2013, No. 2, 117-122;
Zhang Jinquan.Fiction Criticism from the Third Perspective: A Review of The Rhetoric of Fictionality. Foreign Literature Studies, 2010, No. 4,165-167;
Zhang Jinquan & Zang Guobao. English Teaching Modes in the Integration of IT and Curriculum. Juornal of Higher Education, 2005, No.12,79-82;
Zhang Jinquan & Gan Ying. A Study of the Pragmatic Presupposition of Nominal Patterns in the Leads of Business English News. Journal of HUST, 2008, No.6, 64-68;
Zhang Jinquan & Zhou Dan. Contextual Cognition of Ambivalent Phenomenon. Journal of HUST, 2007, No.3, 92-96;
Zhang Jinquan & Zhou Li. On the Function of the Etymological Motivation in the Depth Acquisition of Vocabulary. Journal of Henan University, 2005, No.7, 92-94
Zhang Jinquan & Chai Yan. Pragmatic Properties of Ambivalent Phenomena in English. Journal of HUST, 2005, No.6, 94-97.
· Academic Monograph
Zhang Jinquan. A Multidimensional Study of the Variation of English Vocabulary Wuhan: Publishing House of HUST, 2015.
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Course:
1. English Intensive Reading
2. English Writing
3. English Listening
4. Advanced English
5. English Lexicology
6. English Rhetoric
7. English News Reading
Graduate Course:
1. Syllabus Design