Telephone: 027-87544712
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Research Field: Japanese Language Education
Wang Qiuhua, female, born in October, 1955. She was promoted to professor in 2004 and now she is the academic leader of Japanese Department, School of Foreign Language, Huazhong University of Science and Technology as well as the master supervisor. Besides, she takes charge of the flagship course “Comprehensive Japanese”. Also, she is an assessment expert of excellent bachelor thesis of Hubei Province, the judge of central
division of “China National Japanese Speech Contest” and the communication appraisal expert of China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center as well as the visiting researcher at Institute of Oriental Studies, Toyo University.
Education Background:
1975-1978 Japanese Department, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University Bachelor
1985-1986 Japanese Studies Research Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University, majoring in the postgraduate courses
1990-1991 Advanced study in Toyo University,
1996-1997 Visiting scholar in Toyo University,
2002-2003 Advanced study sponsored by the Japan Foundation
Working Experience:
1978-now School of Foreign Language, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Lecturer
1《受身表現における母語話者と学習者の視点》日中言語文化研究論 白帝社P119-143 2010年
2. 《中国人の日本語学習に関する学習動機の研究》東洋大学文学部紀要第62集2009年
3.《日语能力测试一级听力测试题的信度和效度分析》 四川外国语学院学报2009年
4,《エリート教育から大衆教育へ》 東洋大学文学部教育学科研究室報,第36号 2008年
5. 《从两项大规模日语考试看日语测试与日语教学的相互作用关系》 西安外国语学院学报》第1期 2005年
6 《人間関係における「相づち使用」の実態に関する研究》 東洋大学文学部紀要 第61集 2008年
7 《中国人の発想と日本人の発想――中日合弁企業文化の調査から》 アジア文化研究所研究年報 第42号 2008年
8 . 《中日合资企業における若者の人材人材流失、流動の現状に関する調査分析》,アジア文化研究所研究年報第40号 2006年
9 《中日两国家庭观念与现状的比较研究》 武汉大学学报(人文科学版),2005
10 《中日合资企业的文化碰撞》华中科技大学出版社P235-244 2007年
11 《日语专业学生听力困难因素分析 》 外语教育第10期P42-48 2010年
12 《中日合资企业文化意识的调查与研究》 华中科技大学出版社 2007年
13 《中日色彩意识承载的文化内涵》 外语教育第10期,2011
14 《渡边淳一小说《失落园》略说》 《武汉大学学报》(人文科学版),2004唯一作者
15 《中国の学生における日本文化の卒業論文作成に関する研究》 日本国東洋大学文学部紀要 第57集, 2003
16 《中国の学生日本文化に関する論文作成の創造的問題解決について》 日本創造学会論文誌,第7号 2003,
17 《从两项大规模日语考试看日语测试与日语教学的相互作用关系》 西安外国语学院学报第1期,2005年
18. 《外语专业毕业论文指导研究》外语教育 第2期,2002年
19. 《日语语言的个性和社会性》外语教育第1期,2001年
21. 《中日寒暄语文化内涵之异同比较》高等教育研究2000年
22 《緩和表現としての感情動詞「困る」に関する言語文化論的考察》 東洋大学文学部紀要 P9-15第65 集2012年2月
Academic Works:
6.《新日本语2》 华中科技大学出版社,2014
8.《外国文化与跨文化交际》华中科技大学出版社,2008年 参编
1. 2009.6-2011 “Research and Practice on Cultivating Mode of Innovative Talents of Japanese Major”, one of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Teaching Reformation Projects Host
2. 2004.6 “Reformation and Practice on Extracurricular Classroom Teaching of Specialized Foreign Language”, one of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Teaching Reformation Projects Host
3. 2011 “Research on Construction of China National Image in Intercultural Communication” 11&ZD024, one of the major projects supported by National Social Science Found Participant
4. 2006 “Comparative Studies on National Spirits”, one of the projects supported by National Social Science Found Participant
5. 2010 Editor of Meeting of minds and Method Reference, People’s Daily Press
6. 2009 “Practice and Research on Guidance of Graduation Thesis for Japanese Major Students Based on ‘dialogue’”, the general project of Ministry of Education Participant
7. 2004-2007 “中国華中地域の日中合弁企業における文化摩擦と文化的背景に関する研究”, joint project supported by Institute of Oriental Studies, Toyo University and School of Foreign Language, Huazhong University of Science and Technology ( approval fund: 2 million yen) Host
8. 2002-2006 “Teaching Plan and Reformation of Japanese Courses”, one of the Teaching Reformation Projects of Postgraduate School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Host
9. 2014-2016 “Exploration and Practice of Curriculum System Reformation and Cultivating Mode of Japanese Major Talents”, one of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Teaching Research Projects Host
10. 2013-2015 “Excellent Teaching Materials for Japanese Major Students”, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Teaching Materials Projects Host
1. 2002 Excellent Teacher of Baosteel
2. 2003 The First Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
3. 2013 Advanced Individual of Teachers’ Ethics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
4. 2003 Excellent Thesis Award by
Creativity Society
5. 2004 Instructor of Excellent Bachelor’s Degree Theses of Hubei Province, awarded by Academic Degree Committee of Hubei Provincial People’s Government and Hubei Provincial Department of Education
6. 2011 Instructor of Excellent Bachelor’s Degree Theses of Hubei Province, awarded by Academic Degree Committee of Hubei Provincial People’s Government and Hubei Provincial Department of Education
7. 2014 Instructor of Excellent Bachelor’s Degree Theses of Hubei Province, awarded by Academic Degree Committee of Hubei Provincial People’s Government and Hubei Provincial Department of Education
Courses: “Comprehensive Japanese”, “Japanese Selected Reading One”, “Japanese Selected Reading Two”, “Japanese Culture”, “Writing in Japanese”, “Research on Evaluation and Test of Japanese Education”, “Japanese Reading”, “Writing Guidance on Japanese Theses”