Telephone: 027-87558357
Email Address: nksousei@hust.edu.cn
Research Fields: Studies on Oriental Thought, Art and Culture, History of Eastern and Western Cultural Exchanges
Ceng Cheng, male, born in April, 1975, Doctor of Philosophy, lecturer of School of Foreign Languages in Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Education Background:
1993-1997 Japanese Department, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University Bachelor
1999-2002 Japanese Department, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University Master
2004-2006 Professional development in National Language Education, Education Welfare Department, Oita University,
2006-2013 Aesthetics, Department of Philosophy, Peking University Ph.D.
Work Experience:
1997-now School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Lecturer
1. 当代动画艺术中的传统性元素——从三个经典镜头说起,《美术界》,2012年第3期
2. 話し言葉のコツ,武汉大学出版社,2001年11月(共编著)
3. “关于日本长崎的唐人风俗——以戏曲史料为中心”,中国郑州•郑州大学,“中原文化在东亚的流播与影响”国际学术研讨会,2009年8月
4. “关于东亚地区倭寇图系列的谱系问题”,韩国庆山•岭南大学,“第7届东方美学国际会议(全球化时代的东亚艺术文化)”,2014年7月
5. “十字的转移——在华残存景教文物的文化史考察”,中国北京•故宫博物院,“故宫学与西学”研讨会,2014年11月
6. “17、18世纪东北亚丝绸之路与北海贸易——以阿伊努风俗画贴中的虾夷锦为中心”,中国北京•北京大学,“日本思想文化研究前沿”研讨会,2014年12月
7. “日本给19世纪的欧洲带来了什么——从Japonisme到Japanesque”,中国武汉•华中科技大学,“中日人文社会科学学会暨中日语言文化教学国际学术研讨会”,2015年3月
1. 2006 “Comparisons of Sino-Japan Poetic Arts”, Youth Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2. 2012-2015 “Image Study on Serials of Picture Scrolls of Japanese Pirates” , Liberal Art Youth Project, Research Fund for Independent Innovation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1. 2012-2013 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality in Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
2. 2008-2009 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality in Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Professional Courses: “Japanese Classical Literature Appreciation”, “Japanese Classical Grammar”, “Japanese Aesthetics and Traditional Arts”
Public Courses: “Japanese Society and Culture”, “Japanese Literature Appreciation”, “Oriental Art and Aesthetics”, “Japanese Art History”