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Wang Jinghua

Time:October 28, 2021


Telephone: 027-87558357

E-mail Address: wangjinghua@hust.edu.cn

Research Field: Japanese Literature


Wang Jinghua, female, Master of Arts, lecturer, visiting researcher of Toyo University, Japan .

Education Background:

1995-1999  Japanese Department, College of Foreign Languages, Jinlin  University Bachelor

1999-2002  College of Foreign Languages, Jinlin University Master

2005.10-2007.04  Advanced study in Oita University, Japan

2010.06-2010.08  Advanced study in Toyo University, Japan

2014.04-2015.03 Advanced study in University of Nagasaki, Japan


Working Experience:

2002-now School of Foreign Language, Huazhong  University of Science and Technology  Lecturer



1. 2011《白山中国学》,中国の大学における日本文学教育の改革への提言――文学教育研究の必要性を中心に”,独著,p75-90

2. 2006. 40号《アジア文化研究所研究年報》,“日中商談摩擦における文化的背景について”,唯一作者,独著,p53-62

3. 2006.32号《国語の研究》「清貧譚」と「竹青」について”独著,p17-30  

4. 2003.12《外国语言文学研究》,“试论坂口安吾《堕落论》的文化价值,独著,p41-43

Academic Works:

1. 2012 《日本文学教程》修订版, 高等学校日语教材系列,武汉大学出版社, 副主编;  

2. 2011.4《新日本语1》,华中科技大学出版社,参编;

3. 2008.8《日本语》(第三册),武汉大学出版社,主编;

4. 2007.8《日本文学教程》,高等学校日语教材系列,武汉大学出版社,副主编;

5. 2006.1《日本近代文学作品选读》,高等学校日语教材系列,武汉大学出版社,参编。


1. 2012-2015  “Study on Reformation and Practice of Japanese Literature Course”, one of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Teaching Reformation Projects Host

2. 2014-2015 “Further Research on 『惜别』---Combining the Images of Dazai Osamu’s Medium-term Works”, one of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Independent Innovation Projects Host


1. 2013 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong  University of Science and Technology

2. 2008 The Second Prize of Young Teachers’ Teaching Quality, Huazhong  University of Science and Technology

3. 2004 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong  University of Science and Technology

Courses: “Comprehensive Japanese”, “Appreciation and Analysis of Japanese Literature Works”, “Research on Japanese Topics”


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