E-mail Address: yilu@hust.edu.cn
Research Fields: Japanese Language Education, Japanese Linguistics
Female, born in 1978, Master of Linguistics.
Education Background:
1996-2000 Japanese Department, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University Bachelor
2002-2003 Japanese Language Study (special course), Keio University, Japanese
2003-2005 Specialized Japanese Language Education Course, Graduate School of Regional Culture, Tokyo University of Foreign Study Master
Work Experience:
2000-2002 Wuhan NEC Mobile Communication Co., Ltd Translator
2005-now School of Foreign Language, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Lecturer
1. 2011.8 《跨文化交际中的日语教育研究②》, 中国における日本語学科卒論の『要旨』に関する分析,第一作者,p104-105;
2. 2011.3 《东洋大学中国哲学文学科纪要》,卒業論文評価の基準について—中国の大学日本語学科の卒論をめぐって—,第一作者,p31-49。
Academic Works:
1. 2011 《新日本语》第1册,华中科技大学出版社,参编;
2. 2014 《新日本语》第2册,华中科技大学出版社,参编;
1. 2012 “Exploration and Study on Cultivating Students’ Japanese Writing Skills in the Comprehensive Course at Elementary Stage” supported by Research Fund for Independent Innovation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Host
2. 2009-2012 “Practice and Research on Guidance of Graduation Thesis for Japanese Major Students Based on ‘dialogue’”, supported by Funds for Social Science, Ministry of Education (Ranking third)
3. 2010-2012 “Study on Causative Expression in the View of Historical Linguistics and Social Linguistics” supported by National Social Science Funds for Young Scholars (Ranking fifth)
4. 2009-2011 “Research and Practice on Cultivating Mode of Innovative Talents of Japanese Major”, one of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Teaching Reformation Projects (Ranking seventh)
1. 2009-2010 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2. 2012-2013 The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
3. 2013 Instructor of Excellent Bachelor’s Degree Theses of Hubei Province
4. 2014 “Excellent Supervisor” of the 9th
National Japanese Speech Contest (Invitational) in Huazhong University of Science and Technology
“Comprehensive Japanese”, “Basic Japanese”, “Japanese Listening”, “Japanese Pronunciation and Expression”, “Advanced Listening and Speaking”, “Japanese Language and Culture”, “Japanese Writing”