Telephone: 027-87558357
E-mail Address: zhongyong0705@hust.edu.cn
Research Fields: Japanese Language Education, Cognitive Linguistics
Zhong Yong, male, born in July 1984, Doctor of Comparative Sociocultural Sciences, promoted to lecturer in 2014, Master supervisor.
Education Background:
2004-2008 Japanese Department, School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Bachelor
2008-2010 Japanese Department, School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Master
2010-2013 Department of International Socioculture School of Comparative Sociocultural Sciences, Kyushu University Ph.D.
Work Experience:
2013-now Japanese Department, School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Lecturer
1. 钟勇,王秋华.2009.日语能力测试一级听力测试题的信度和效度分析——以2008年为例,外国语文(四川外语学院学报),2009年増刊,209‐213.
2. 钟勇,陈俊森.2010.论日语学习者在自主学习中的主体性意识,日语学习与研究,4,105‐111.
3. 钟勇.2012.关于日语专业高年级学习者隐喻能力发展现状的考察,日语学习与研究,6,106‐112.
4. 鐘勇・井上奈良彦(2012)「メタフォリカル・コンピテンス(MC)研究の現状と問題点及び日本語教育への導入」『言語文化論究』28, 73‐86.
5. 鐘勇(2012)「日本語学習者の概念的流暢性(CF)の発達に関する考察―メタフォリカル・コンピテンスに注目して―」『日本学研究』22, 172‐184.
6. 鐘勇・井上奈良彦(2013)「日本語における上下メタファーの体系構成及びその特徴に関する一考察」『言語文化論究』30, 13‐26.
7. 鐘勇(2013)「中国人日本語学習者のメタファー表現理解に影響する要因―母語とメタファー基盤に関わる知識を中心に―」『比較社会文化研究』34, 1‐14.
8. 鐘勇・井上奈良彦(2015)「中国人日本語学習者のメタファー表現理解力の養成―授業実践例に基づく考察―」『言語文化論究』34, 35‐51.
Academic Works:
1. 钟勇.2015.日语学习者隐喻能力的发展和培养.武汉大学出版社.
1. 2014-2016 “Cognitive semantic research on Japanese contact adjectives based on balanced corpus——A case study of「かたい」and「やわらかい」”, sponsored by Research Fund for Independent Innovation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1. 2015.5“Excellent Supervisor” in China National Japanese Speech Contest, Central China Region
“Japanese”, “Writing in Japanese”, “Japanese for Business”, “Research on Japanese Language Education”