Telephone: 027-87559114
Email Address: zhuwei2008@hust.edu.cn
Research Fields: Comparisons of Comparative Sounds between China and DPRK from 16th Century to 18th Century, Comparisons of Language and Culture between China and South Korea
Zhu Wei, female, born in August, 1972, Doctor of Arts, teacher of Korea of School of Foreign Languages in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, director of Korean Center and Wuhan Sejong School
Education Background:
1994.7 Pedagogy, Pyongyang Three Hing University of
North Korea
2001.2 History Department, Gyeongsang National University,
South Korea
2004.2 History Department, Sungkyunkwan University,
South Korea
2012.6 Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Chinese Department, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Ph.D.
Work Experience:
1994.9-1996.12 Korean interpreter China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (Qingdao Branch)
2010.9-now School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Lecturer
Journal Articles:
1. 2014.10,《语言研究》,“《韵诠》五十韵头三考——《韵诠》研究之六”,第一作者,p70~75;
2. 2011.4,《语言研究》,“梵文“五五字”译音和玄应音的声调”,第二作者,p1~11。
Conference Papers:
1. 2014.7,“韩国文化活动教学模式分析-以小学课堂为例”,第6届世界韩国语教育者大会;
2. 2013.7,“基础韩语发音教案”,第5届世界韩国语教育者大会;
3. 2013.6,“《翻译老朴》右音声母系统“ᅎᅔᄼᅐᅕᄾ”注音现象分析-基于谚译《老朴》”,第25届北美汉语语言学会议,宣读论文;
4. 2013.6,“基于谚译《老朴》数据库的16世纪汉语声母系统研究”,第21届国际中国语言学学会,宣读论文。
1. 2012.3-now Ministry of South Korean Culture and Sports Tourism, Wuhan Sejong School Construction Foundation Director
2. 2014.6-2016.6 “Cultural Migration Study of Second Language Writing of Chinese and South Korean College Students” sponsored by China's Foreign Language Education Research Center Third Director
3. 2013.5-2015.5. “Research on Korean-Chinese Language System From 16th to 18th Century Based on the Database of Yanyi Laopiao ” sponsored by Research Fund for Independent Innovation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Host
4. “Construction Method and Retrieval System of Yanwen Database”, Patent Number: 201310597535.7 First Author.
Second Foreign Language—“Korean”, “Primary Korean”, “Korean Language”, “Overview of Korean Culture”