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    The Fourth National Interpreting Contest Closes Successfully

    Time:June 8, 2015

    (Correspondent: ZHAO Yuqing)

    Hubei provincial intermediary heat of the Fourth National Interpreting Contest is held in School of Foreign Languages and Literature of Wuhan University on April 25th, 2015. 71 participants from 27 colleges and universities in Hubei province take part in this contest. With the help of the advisor Mr. ZHANG Yifan, ZHANG Caijie and WANG Di of our school win the first and third prizes respectively, advancing to the contest of central China division.  

    On May 9th, the contest of central China division take place in Fulinshe Lecture Hall of Hunan University in which 28 participants from nearly 20 colleges and universities in Hubei and Hunan province take part. This contest has two parts: E-C interpreting and C-E interpreting. The top four of the contest will progress to the national contest. After a fierce competition, WANG Di win the third place and ascend to the semifinal.

    The final contest is held in Beijing Foreign Studies University between the 27th and the 31st of May. On the 28th, WANG Di competes with other 48 outstanding participants from colleges and universities around the nation and wins the seventh place, progressing to the final.

    The final contest consists of two section the former of which is consecutive interpreting and the latter is conference interpreting. Except for the professional judges, 12 corporate judges are also present. In the consecutive interpreting competition, WANG Di gains unanimous praise from all the judges with her excellent performance, ranking fifth in the first section. But because of factors like accent and speed, she falls to the ninth place in the second section. Even so, WANG Di still wins the third prize in the final contest, which renews our school’s record in the National Interpreting Contest.

    According to WANG Di, she is very thankful that the school gives her the chance to participate the contest, that all the teachers support her wholeheartedly, and that her advisors give her meticulous guidance and help.

    The National Interpreting Contest is annually co-sponsored by Translators Association of China and China Translation & Publishing Corporation which reveals the competence of applying English interpreting of students in colleges and universities. (School of Foreign Languages, 6/8/2015)


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